Falcon Esports has introduced their pubg mobile roaster for CSA Roster. Team Falcons (formerly known as Falcons Esports) is a Saudi Arabian professional esports organization.
As per the leaks, Previously Known as Skyforce esports and as well as Stalwart Esports roster has contracted their team with Falcon Esports . This roster was previously known as one the top teams of the world as they had acquire second position ranking in pubg mobile global championship 2023. Thier last five tournaments has wonderful ranking from skyforce esports. they have achieved 3rd position in PUBG MOBILE DEW CHAMPIONSHIP 2024 , 5th position in One Game Invitiational Showdown SA, 1st position in pubg mobile super league qualifiers , 2nd position in ONE GAME INVITATIONAL SHOWDOWN EMSA , and 5th position in KOD Pro Grind Series. These rankings and stats shows that they are one of the tough team in CSA region as per the results .