In the expansive world of Pokémon GO, every trainer aims to catch 'em all, but some Pokémon prove more elusive than others. One such Pokémon is Victini, a Mythical Pokémon from the Unova region. Despite its prominent placement at the beginning of the Unova PokéDex, ahead of even the starters, Victini remains a challenge for many trainers to obtain in Pokémon GO.
The Elusive Victini
Victini made its debut in Pokémon Black and White as a rare and powerful Mythical Pokémon, known for its unique typing and signature move, V-create. In Pokémon GO, Victini was initially released through special Research quests during GO Fest 2020. Trainers who attended the event had the opportunity to embark on the "Rocket Straight to Victory" research questline to add Victini to their PokéDex.
Following its exclusive debut, Niantic later released Victini worldwide in 2021 through "The Feeling of Victory" research. This provided a chance for trainers globally to complete the quest and capture Victini, marking a significant moment for those striving to complete their Unova PokéDex.
For trainers who missed both the GO Fest and the subsequent worldwide release events, obtaining Victini remains a challenge. Currently, there are no other methods to encounter Victini in Pokémon GO outside of these special research quests. However, there is hope on the horizon.
Will Victini Return?
Given Niantic's track record with Mythical Pokémon, it's reasonable to expect Victini will be re-released in the future. Many Mythical Pokémon have seen returns through events or special research. Trainers can anticipate a possible return of Victini during future themed events like the Unova Tour, possibly through a rigorous Masterwork Research quest.
Masterwork Research quests are known for their complexity and often come with a cost. Trainers should be prepared for a challenging journey and potentially a small fee to undertake the quest and finally complete their Unova PokéDex with Victini.
Shiny Victini - A Possibility?
Currently, Victini cannot be encountered in its Shiny form in Pokémon GO. However, Niantic has introduced Shiny variants of other Mythical Pokémon through special events or research ticket releases. Trainers hopeful for a Shiny Victini should keep an eye out for future announcements from Niantic regarding such opportunities.